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Is your horse an athlete

Do you consider your horse an athlete?

When you have tired and achy muscles do you go and get a massage or another form of therapy to help you? Having tired and sore muscles can make us feel miserable and tired. Well, what about your equine partner? Your horse will feel the same if his muscles are sore, however we often don't give them the option of taking it easy for a few days like we do. They have to put up with it or tell us in other ways that they are sore.


As the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure".


Roz, has an extensive background in both human and equine bodywork. I use different modalities depending on your horses individual issues. I have training in, laser therapy, k-taping, red light therapy, dry needling and Equissage. I use these wonderful tools in addition to traditional remedial massage.


Benefits of regular bodywork for your horse may include;

  • Increase in flexibility and suppleness,

  • Provide pain relief to your horse, 

  • Reduce muscle tension and discomfort,

  • Supports their immune system,

  • Improves their posture and circulation.

Fill out the online form below or contact Roz on 0407 952 834 to discuss your horses needs.

Let’s work together to benefit you and your horse.

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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